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Spaghetti Bolognaise

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Spaghetti Bolognaise is a favourite in this house. Actually in most houses I know of that contain anyone who's ever being under 10. Even my girls, who dislike tomato with an intensity only matched by their dislike of, say, going to bed, doing what they're told, or brussel sprouts, love the tomatoey goodness of Spaghetti Bolognaise. Even better, according to M&M, is when I make it with "Wiggly Spaghetti" (known to those NOT under 10 as Curly Fettuccine).

Kin's Spaghetti Bolognaise
Serves 4 (with some for the dog or lunch tomorrow)

1 onion, diced
500g mince
tin condensed tomato soup
tin diced tomato's
2 carrots, grated
1 zucchini, grated
2 sticks celery, thinly sliced
herbs and spices (I usually use: mixed spice, basil, oregano, parsley)

  1. Brown the onion in a hot frying pan (I use my big electric one, then I can make a double batch, sometimes triple). Remove from pan
  2. Brown the mince in the same pan. Add onion and mix. Add soup and diced tomatos and stir to combine. If necessary add half a tin of water.
  3. Add vegetables, herbs and spices to taste. Simmer until sauce thickens.

As with any recipe, if it has 3 or fewer steps I'm a fan. But my favourite part of this recipe is I don't just use it to make spaghetti bolognaise. I use this bas all.e for a lasagne, cottage pie and one time, when I was really desperate, I used it for taco's. The tomato soup definitely adds a creamy flavour to the sauce, without being too naughty.


  1. Snoskred said...

    I love it as well but let me give you a special tip. ;)

    Banrock Station Cabernet Merlot. It comes in a 2 litre cask for about $16. It has hints of cinnamon and vanilla. It will take any spaghetti bolognaise sauce to a level you never imagined possible.

    I don't usually like wine, in fact I have never drunk a full glass of it but I love this wine in cooking. I did a chicken cacciatore with it just the other day and I poached the chicken in the wine.. wow. The chicken went all purple and it tasted incredible.

    Let me know if you try it and like it!


    October 28, 2007 at 8:22 PM  

  2. River said...

    Wot!!?? No garlic??

    I'd love to try Snoskred's idea with the Merlot, but my husband is a (dry) alcoholic, so I don't dare bring any alcohol of any sort into the house.
    Mud cakes just aren't the same without that slosh of rum in them.

    October 29, 2007 at 4:04 PM  

  3. Kin said...

    Well I'm in on the wine as well. Although if I bought a cask, I'd probably drink it all - woops!

    And river, DH uses garlic, but I don't find it makes much difference to the taste, and I HATE cleaning garlic crushers ;-)

    October 30, 2007 at 8:52 AM  

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