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The Kin Has Landed

Thursday, December 6, 2007
And hit the ground running. I left this morning to travel home, and while I was incredibly relaxed after a week of six hands for two children, a plane trip home let me down. Then of course I didn't stop and am now almost as stressed as when I left.

The BIG news is that there is a contract on our house. See what happens when you leave town? Settlement is set down for the 14th of January, so I have a bit of time to organise myself, which is what I'm doing now. Making lists. I may share them with you at some point. Or I might not. They're quite scary.

What I have decided to do is keep running lists in each "category" of things I have to do, and then work on each of them each day.

For example three of the highest priorities at the moment are: Kiki's 3rd Birthday Party, Tupperware Xmas Sale and Packing & Delivering the 10 boxes of Tupperware currently adorning my dining room (pics to come).

So tomorrow I will focus on: getting invites out for Kiki's birthday party, collecting all stock for the xmas sale, and packing the orders and calling hosts to arrange delivery times. See how this works? Once I've done all that I'll look at other lists like: Moving House, and call and book the removalist.

It's a plan. I'll keep you updated on the progress.

In other news, our holiday was AMAZING, and I'll be posting pics as soon as I get myself sorted, and a bit more time up my sleeves (at this point probably next week). But by far the most exciting news of the holiday (apart from selling the house) is that M&M can SWIM! And Kiki is not far behind. I'm actually looking forward to swimming lessons this weekend so they can show off their new skills. M&M has been "practicing" all week to show her teacher, and yesterday she and Kiki both let me push them down to touch their hands to the bottom of the pool. Hundreds of times.

I also spent every night playing Jonola with my step-mother and the week actually ended in a draw. She normally beats me convincingly, and repeatedly.

That's about it from me. I noticed I've been tagged for a couple of meme's in the comments, so I'll try and get to those as soon as I can. I also have 375 unread posts in my reader, so I'll be ploughing through those as much as I can over the next few days, and catching up on all my bloggy friends.

And on that note, I'm off to my comfy bed, without Kiki. Ah, it's good to be home!


  1. lightening said...

    Welcome home babe and congrats on selling the house! :-)

    Have you seen the latest top 50 women bloggers list at ????? If not, go and take a look!!!!

    December 7, 2007 at 11:51 AM  

  2. Anonymous said...

    AND the top 200 Aussie Bloggers at Megs???????

    I have been waiting for you to come home jumping up and down with excitement!!!

    GO KIN!!!!


    December 7, 2007 at 12:48 PM  

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